what is your life being used for?

Monday, April 25, 2016 - SPECIAL ARCHIVE TO LAUNCH 2021

Creating a life plan is a humbling experience. On numerous occasions throughout the bible we are reminded that it is almost ridiculous to create a plan because we truly don't know what tomorrow will hold (James 4:14, Proverbs 27:1). Without wanting to deter from biblical teaching, I most certainly aim to create any plans so that I can become more intentional about where I am in the present moment to live a regret free life in Christ. However, if I am not constantly co-creating and adjusting my plans through learning and discerning God's will for me, it is a futile attempt.

This is a completely dynamic process. I have tried to make many plans apart from God throughout my life. Those were the "plans" and choices that led me to places that I didn't want to be. Places completely devoid of life. As I have invested time and energy to mature my faith and knowledge of the word of God, I am convicted that not only is it prudent to plan to better KNOW THYSELF and have an intentional life, it is actually part of God's instruction to us.

Recently I shared that I had taken a sabbatical to get clear about what my life is called to be used for. As a result I had a lot of time to read, reflect, write, meditate, pray, study the bible, and more. This was a blessing in which I am eternally grateful because it truly changed the course and direction of my life. I know that this luxury is not an opportunity that everyone can readily jump into, and so I want to provide an idea on how you can get clear, defined purpose and intention established in your own lives in ONE DAY through a process outlined by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy in Living Forward: A proven plan to stop drifting and get the life you want.

The authors of this book will challenge you to take on a process designed to take just one day of your life. A day you will completely check out of all outside responsibilities as it relates to family, jobs, service, etc. and Check In to yourself to get clear. Once you do this, any major life decision you are faced with will be easily made against your truth because you will walk away with a tangible outline to measure invitations against in the future. You will become empowered because you will easily establish a connection between what the choice is and whether or not it aligns with where you are going in your life and what you are committing your life to be used for. A life that rocks your socks off....

You will be walked through 4 critical stages throughout this defining day:

  • Gain Clarity to understand where you are going by beginning with the end in mind.

    • You will be tasked with answering profound questions about how you want to be remembered in this life once you leave it...

  • Develop Courage to prioritize the areas in your life that are essential vs. non-essential

    • Time is not elastic, boundaries have to be set; when you clearly establish what is important and what isn't through ranking your priorities, schedule setting becomes a whole new world.

  • Chart your Course in each specific account/area of your life by evaluating where you are currently at and where you want to be

    • Outline specific actions you will commit to move from your current reality in each area to your envisioned future of where you want to be.

  • Bridge the Gap: Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans (Proverbs 16 v 3)

    • Trust God to make it happen

You will make this your own. I enjoyed my day immensely. I added my personality into the life plan book I created by incorporating inspiring quotes, scripture and images that represented who I am and where I am going. I have peace in my decision to go back to work because I know what actions it will take in all the areas of my life that are important to me to stay on course and to easily identify why if I ever feel off course and make changes or corrections as needed.

I will provide an example from one of my 10 Life Accounts so you can see how this process manifested for me:

This awakening really was critical to me. After all, the best way to navigate through change is to KNOW what is changeless about ourselves. I heard that a long time ago and wish I knew who said it originally. If you do, drop a comment! It has really stuck with me over time.

While this life planning experience is brief, taking me only one day during my entire sabbatical, it was a huge pearl of value and will provide insights to those who wish to take it on in leui of an extended break from your career, etc. to experience more awareness of who you are and what really matters. This is time (and money for the book) incredibly well spent.

I hope you A) Create a Life Plan!!! and B) Have an incredible time implementing and Living it full out

'Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.' Proverbs 19 v. 21


"Its not about the duration of your life but the donation of your life. Not how long you live, but how you live." Peter Marshall


2020 In Hindsight