inviting you into a grace based life
create an opening in your life that leaves you more confident and connected with the word of god and who you are designed to be in christ.
Our challenge will be
Your story, every single part of it, can be used for the glory of God. You were designed by Him for Him just as you are.
Whatever he touches, he will transform. I am sure you have heard it said before that YES, God loves you just as you are, but He loves you way too much to leave you there. This experience will be revealing and is not to be missed if you are ready for Him to have His way with you. Lets prepare our lives to hear His voice and gain clarity on the direction we can take to align with His will.
Understanding WHO you are and WHOSE you are brings an incredible amount of clarity and freedom. Your newly transformed identity combined with knowing the word of God and a maturing relationship with Him will take hold in your life to bear more fruit than you can currently imagine. Your light will shine brightly and create space for others to join you.
currently enrolling for the 2024 gb Challenge
This modified “75 Hard” Challenge was born from a desire for wholeness, holiness and growth. Of course I want to see change, but I am not just seeking physical, outer change of my body.
“Do not look at his appearance…For the LORD sees not as man sees:
man looks on the outer appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7
I am contending for heart transformation. For whole, integrated active and living faith that transforms from the inside out, and I am so thrilled we will be doing that together.
Ideally we walk away with increased community support, self awareness, intimacy with God and a clearer understanding of who Jesus is while building healthy, life changing habits and discovering more strength AND rest in the process.
Cheers to JOY, DISCERNMENT and a SUSTAINABLE PACE OF GRACE on the other side of this as we all pursue progress, not perfection, in this challenge.
What you’ll get
Enhanced spiritual disciplines
Compassion and Breakthroughs
Personalized miracle morning (or evening) routine and plan to help you reach your goals
Unlimited guidance and support via email
Ability to grow your tribe of like minded seekers and believers
Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles