It’s never going to be easier than it is today…
It’s really not.
Its NEVER going to get easier than it is today.
And that is so not a bad thing.
I was blessed to hear this from a mentor at the onset of my parenting years and it graced me with a sense of calm through situations that were otherwise just, well, not calm. Certainly not always, but when I put into practice what I am sharing with you today, it really did change everything about any of the circumstances I would find myself in.
For context, in my (nearly) twelve years experience as a parent I can assure you:
It didn't get easier when I stopped breast feeding. It became other feeding issues.
It didn't get easier when my children started sleeping through the night. It became teething and night terrors.
It didn't get any easier when my children started school. It became transportation and homework.
It didn't get any easier when we got someone to help drive with extracurricular activities. It became scheduling and paychecks.
Its definitely not getting easier to choose between things that need to be scheduled. Because time is finite.
Its definitely not getting easier to face the impact of hormones in my precious baby girl (11). Because I was her once and I know what is coming.
You get where I am going with this? Because I could keep going :)
When the challenges that will exist tomorrow become an opportunity to enjoy today, in all of its tiresome and task oriented items to manage- I say, bring them on! Not to worry about them of course, but anything that can give you the perspective- the very real perspective- that getting through whatever is in front of us today with regards to parenting or anything else could actually be approached with enjoyment IN presence. This is really at the core of Jesus' teaching as we are invited to walk in His presence and live out His example as we serve others (including our children).
I want to challenge you today with something. The next time you find yourself checking out of a situation at home (in marriage or with your children), try on the statement: "It's never going to be easier than it is today." I have said that under my breath as a reminder so many times. This could empower you to LEAN IN to a situation that you feel yourself wanting to pull out of. A situation that might have a tremendous amount of growth, grace and JOY waiting for you in. A possible experience that you might miss if you think its too challenging to face.
Since we are all friends here and in this together I will close with what I say to most of my friends that become new moms because it feels applicable. Laugh when you want to cry. Because its not going to get any easier. And that isn't a bad thing if you don't waste these precious moments thinking that it will.